
All-Star Baseball

Well, the season has officially begun and is now in full swing...no pun intended. All 3 boys have made the All-Star circut this year, which puts a strain on our shuttle service, but it's well worth it. Baseball has a calming effect on the boys like nothing else...even when they make an error. I am proud to say that our oldest has now put 5 balls over the fence, in practice...his games begin tonight...we're eagerly awaiting a home run in a game now! Aaron's coach is just so full of compliments for him, which pleases us to no end. Kinda makes us feel like we're doing something right. Matthew's team went to their 1st tourney this past wknd and boy was it HOT! Thank God for a breeze! They played very well together, even though they came in 4th. All in all, this summer ball season is turning into an outstanding one. I will post more pictures as the tournaments continue. Please say a prayer that the price of gasoline will plumment! All this traveling is breaking the piggy bank!