
Summer Update

Well, it has been a while since I posted, but I haven't had the time! July 8th, Aaron was put into the hospital where he enjoyed a fabulous 5 day, 4 night, all-inclusive, summer vacation...complete with scans, pokes, pricks, and heavy duty drugs! Come to find out Aaron had an unexplainable "Septik Shoulder and Staph Infection". They were intending to perform 2 operations on him, one locally & one Friday under General...however, God saw it differently. The bulging fluid wasn't on top of the joint, like they had originally thought, instead was underneat & intwined with his shoulder components, so they were going to have to "take Aaron apart". The Drs were apprehensive about this because of Aaron's age...so they waited to see if the meds only would clear things up...which they said did...we believe God touched Aaron and healed him! Anyway...Aaron was released late Mon afternoon, July 13...day after my bday. Then the following week, we agreed to allow Aaron to go to church camp at the Wilds in Brevard, NC. We trusted God to protect him, which He did...the following week, was VBS at church AND our Homeschool year began...Aaron has run intermittent fevers during this time...at the end of VBS, Sun pm, it reached 102.3, so back to the Dr. we went Monday...where they claim a "viral something"...who knows why Aaron is feverish & now he is down to 67 lbs. We'll be looking elsewhere should these symptoms persist. Last week, Fall Baseball started...and Aaron & Matthew are on the same team! Can I say WOW!!!! The Lord knew that we needed a break! We don't really want Aaron playing, but he wants to play so bad & promises to tell someone if he feels bad...I think his fingers were crossed! ha,ha Finally, yesterday, our family was able to join the church we had been attending since we moved to the area, and Chris & Matthew got baptized. I do have pics of these & will post in next couple of days, but for now...gotta go teach school. Jo