
And He Smiles...

This week wehave begun a new medicine along with the Lamictal & Concerta. Respidone. It's still in a small dose, to be increased within the next week. He popped his 1/2 pill Friday night & went to bed, we were clueless as to what to expect, if anything at all. Let me say when Aaron awoke Saturday morning, it was the first morning in a very long time that he had a genuine smile on his face. He came to hug me & he just smiled & clung to me & kept telling me, "I love you mommy." Then came the quick rememberence that it was Saturday...Kite Flying Day & Easter Egg Hunt @ church & into orbit he shot...but it was still a more peaceable orbitation. He was also excited to be going to g'parents house because at his old church the visiting Easter Preacher is Tim Lee http://timleeministries.com Him & Aaron go way back. He'll never pass up the opportunity to see his buddy. Like I'm sure you already know, if you know someone with Asperger's, they either love you or despise you...there is no middle ground. Aaron also gets to visit his old buddies from church that he grew up with in his earlier years. All in all I am looking at Respidone or Respidal to be a good thing for us...but as with everything else with AS, it's a wait & see game.

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